

Page history last edited by Patricia Fumerton 4 years, 9 months ago
  • Attendance and participation in discussion sections (consisting of a weekly blog, which your TA will access). More than one unexcused absence from contributing to the weekly section blog in Gauchospace, consisting of a a paragraph of 10-15 lines, which could be a response to another student's blog, will result in that student being dropped from the course in the first week, and thereafter in danger of failing the course.
  • One short paper (2-3 pp.). On Richard II. Paper topics will be distributed; you may choose your own topic only upon consultation with your TA. Due Monday, May 4th, 2 pm., submitted to your TA online in Gauchospace.
  • A longer paper (4-5 pp.) on The Merchant of Venice. Due Monday, May 25th, 2:00 pm., submitted to your TA online in Gauchospace.
  • Two Tests: one on on The Taming of the Shrew and one on A Midsummer Night's Dream, each taken in class during your usual class time.
  • Final Exam ONLY on Hamlet, The exam will be given only on the assigned day and at the assigned time: Monday, June 8, 12-3 pm PST.  (but the exam can be taken during any 3 hour period over a 24 hour period, starting June 8 at 12:00 pm PST. Since the exam will be formatted like a test, it will likely only in fact take 75 minutes to complete at the most).


No student will pass the course without completing ALL of the above assignments.

Course News

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