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last edited
by Patricia Fumerton 4 years, 9 months ago
This course meets online Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:45 PST.
The honors section for the course is cancelled so that I can devote the time instead to extended office hours, which will be held Thursdays 2-4 pm. PST. You will all be provided with a Zoom invitation for the regularly held office hours. When you Zoom in you will enter a "waiting room," and I will see students in the order in which I receive a request for entry. This is to preserve privacy.
In lecture and class blogs, we will study five representative plays from the first part of Shakespeare's career, often in conjunction with film adaptations of the works. The five plays are The Taming of the Shrew, Richard II, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, and Hamlet. Students are expected to read each play at least twice. The mid-term and exam will expect high familiarity with the plays. Lectures will not proceed in narrative order through the individual plays but will discuss dominant themes and issues addressed by each play in its entirety. A short paper and a longer paper will allow students to hone their critical writing skills. Individual sections will require students to attend regularly and contribute to the class discussions. There will be no honors section for this course.
Students taking early modern classes are encouraged to contact the TAs for the lecture as well as the Fellow for the Early Modern Center (SH 2510) . While, in an online setting, you cannot use the EMC's facilities, the graduate student TA (The Early Modern Center Fellow), Giorgina Paiella will be available to help you with any questions or problems you might have operating the online equipment (as will Kerr Hall Instructional Services). Just email the EMC TA, but email your course section TA with specific course questions.
Students interested in English literature 1500-1800 are also encouraged to make a specialization of Early Modern Studies. Students qualify for an EMS specialization when they take four elective courses in English or American literature covering all or part of the period 1500-1800. For more information see Early Modern Studies. If you are interested in signing up for the specialization, please fill out the one-page form with the Department's Undergraduate Advisor, Thomas Huff . Also, if you are interested in being included in the online mailings for undergraduate early modern studies (emus), please contact Giorgina Paiiella at the above email link or at emcfellow@gmailcom.
Copyright of Instructor's and Student's Materials
- Instructor lectures and course materials, including PowerPoint presentations, tests, outlines, and similar materials, are protected by U.S. copyright law and by University policy. The instructor is the exclusive owner of the copyright in those materials he creates. Students may take notes and make copies of course materials for their own use. They may also share those materials with another student who is enrolled in or auditing this course. Students may not reproduce, distribute or display (post/upload) lecture notes or recordings or course materials in any other way--whether or not a fee is charged--without the instructor's express prior written consent. Students also may not allow others to do so. Failing to respect the instructor's intellectual property rights may subject a student to conduct proceedings under the UC Santa Barbara Student Code of Conduct.
- Similarly, students own the copyright in their own original papers and other writing. If the istructor is interested in posting a student's materials on the course web site or elsehwere, the instrctor will ask for the student's written permission.
Fair Use
Plagiarism (and Other Academic Dishonesty)
- Plagiarism (along with other forms of academic dishonesty) is one of the most serious offenses in an academic community. The UCSB Office of Student Conduct defines "cheating, ""plagiarism," "furnishing false information," "collusion," and "misuse of course materials" in its short online guide on Academic Integrity. Excerpts from the guide:
- Taking credit for any work created by another person including, but not limited to, books, articles, methodology, results, compositions, images, lectures, computer programs, or internet postings
- Copying any work belonging to another person without indicating that the information is copied and properly citing the source of the work
- Creating false citations that do not correspond to the information you have used
- Working together on graded coursework without instructor permission
- Working with another student beyond the limits set by the instructor
- Providing or obtaining unauthorized assistance on graded coursework
- Copying or attempting to copy from another student, allowing another student to copy, or unauthorized collaboration with another student
- Using any unauthorized material such as notes, cheat sheets, or electronic devices during an exam
- Looking at another student’s exam
- Talking, texting, or communicating during an exam
- Submitting altered graded assignments or exams for additional credit
- Bringing pre-written answers to an exam
- Having another person take an exam for you, or taking an exam for another student
- Signing an absent student in for attendance, or allowing a fellow student to do the same for you
- Unexcused exit and re-entry during an exam period
--Excerpted from Academic Integrity (UCSB Office of Student Contduct)
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