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last edited
by Patricia Fumerton 4 years, 10 months ago
Assignments Assignments
Class 1 (Mar 31 T)
1)Read S Barnet, "Shakespeare: An Overview," in any Signet. Read The Taming of the Shrew by Thursday
Class 2 (Apr 2 R)
The Taming of the Shrew -- The Many Faces of Shakespeare
Class 3 (Apr 7 T)
The Taming of the Shrew -- Old, New, and Native Comedy
Class 4 (Apr 9 R)
The Taming of the Shrew -- The Taming? of the Shrew?
Class 5 (Apr 14 T)
TEST on Taming of the Shrew
Class 6 (Apr 16 R)
Class 7 (Apr 21 T)
Richard II --
The Order of Things
Class 8 (Apr 23 R)
Richard II -- The Test of Identity
Class 9 (Apr 28 T)
Richard II --
From Ceremony to Farce
***Monday May 4***
SHORT Paper Due (2-3 pp). On one of the assigned paper topics on Richard II.
Due by 2 pm., uploaded online into Gauchospace to your TA.
Class 10 (Apr 30 R)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
-- Athens and the Woods: Authority and Reason vs. Love and Imagination
Class 11 (May 5 T)
A Midsummer's Night Dream
-- Seeing Double: Wood within Wood
Class 12 (May 7 R)
A Midsummer's Night Dream
-- Getting to the Bottom of Things
Class 13 (May 12 T)
TEST on Midsummer Night's Dream
Class 14 (May 14 R)
The Merchant of Venice
-- "My purse, my person": Personal Value in The Merchant of Venice
Class 15 (May 19 T)
The Merchant of Venice -- --"Staging Gentile, Staging Jew"
Class 16 (May 21 R)
The Merchant of Venice -- The Cost of Comedy; Or Equity Strained
***Monday May 25***
Long Paper Due (4-5 pp.) on The Merchant of Venice;
On one of the assigned paper topics on Merchant.
Due by 2 pm, uploaded to Gauchospace online to your TA.
Class 17 (May 26 T)
Hamlet -- "Hamlet and Liminality"
Class 18 May 28 R)
Hamlet --
"Getting Inside the Between:
Hamlet and Interiority"
Class 19 (June 2 T)
Hamlet -- "The Problem with Women"
Class 20 (June 4 R)
Hamlet -- "Action!: The End"
***MONDAY June 8th, 12-*3,pm., Girvetz 1004***
EXAM on ONLY Hamlet! "The Readiness is All."
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