10% of final grade. Participation in section consists of a weekly blog, which your TA will access). More than one unexcused absence from contributing to the weekly blog in Gauchospace, consisting of a paragraph of 10-15 lines, which could be a response to another student's blog, will result in that student being dropped from the course in the first week, and thereafter in danger of failing the course.
20% of final grade. Late submissions will be penalized one full grade (e.g. B becomes C); after one week late papers will be penalized two full grades.
25% of final grade. Late submissions will be penalized one full grade (e.g. B becomes C); after one week late papers will be penalized two full grades.
Test #1 (on Taming of the Shrew)
15% of final grade.
Test #2 (on Midsummer Night's Dream)
15% of final grade.
15% of final grade.
All of the above requirements must be fulfilled in order to pass the course.
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