

Page history last edited by Patricia Fumerton 4 years, 9 months ago

Participation in Section

     10% of final grade. Participation in section consists of a weekly blog, which your TA will access). More than one unexcused absence from contributing to the weekly blog in Gauchospace, consisting of a paragraph of 10-15 lines, which could be a response to another student's blog, will result in that student being dropped from the course in the first week, and thereafter in danger of failing the course.


Short Paper (on Richard II)

     20% of final grade. Late submissions will be penalized one full grade (e.g. B becomes C); after one week late papers will be penalized two full grades.


Longer Paper (on Merchant of Venice)

     25% of final grade. Late submissions will be penalized one full grade (e.g. B becomes C); after one week late papers will be penalized two full grades.


Test #1 (on Taming of the Shrew)

      15% of final grade.


Test #2 (on Midsummer Night's Dream)

      15% of final grade.



     15% of final grade.


All of the above requirements must be fulfilled in order to pass the course.




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